What is Dry Flotation Therapy?

With Zerobody the wellness experience is as easy as lying down and letting go. No need to get wet. No need to get undressed. Zerobody will free you from stress and gravity. You only have to lay on Zerobody: the rigid panel lowers and your body will be wrapped in a soft and lukewarm embrace, thanks to the 400 liters of water at basal temperature contained in an innovative membrane. Your dry floating experience session starts with a selection of your preferences for chromotherapy lighting, mindfulness guided meditation, or element music, to deliver a true experience of regeneration for body and mind.

Receive tangible results in as little as 10 minutes or deep relaxation for up to 120 minutes.

Why It Is Convenient

  • No need to undress.
  • No need to get wet, therefore no need to shower after.
  • Great for those who cannot get wet because of injuries, bandages, casts, etc.
  • You need less time to fully relax, because your mind does not perceive any potential risk of sinking.
  • Great for those who suffer from aqua-phobia or claustrophobia.

Why It Is Healthy

At a Physical Level

During flotation, our body loses every point of contact and its gravitational weight, being uniformly suspended. This condition leads to distension and relaxation of the whole muscular skeletal structure, with a consequent improvement of physiological parameters and blood circulation.

At a Cognitive Level

Our mind is freed from any worry about gravity, body weight, balance, movement, and thermoregulation. While such tasks seem natural and automatic, they actually require significant amounts of energy. Being freed from these tasks, our mind can rest and release any tension. For this reason, our minds are better prepared to receive new information and manage with more efficacy meditation or concentration exercises, compared with what happens when we lie down on a traditional relaxation bed or chair.

Benefits for the Body

It Relieves Muscle And Joint Pain

Floatation makes your body light and, eliminating your weight, it relieves pain to those areas inflamed and painful, giving way to a faster and easier recovery.

It Relaxes Your Spine

Floatation leads to joint realignment at spine level. While in supine position, your spine relaxes, losing all its curves (the good and the bad ones). Your back usually bears the weight of your body and your «life» for many hours in a day; especially those who suffer from back pain can get a real advantage from floatation, being able to relax the tensed muscles.

It Reduces Legs And Foot Swelling

Floatation frees your body from any touch point; this way, peripheral circulation improves, thus reducing swelling to legs and foot.

It Favours Blood Circulation

Your blood and lymph circulation improves, because during floatation your body does not have any compression point: it is a little bit like releasing a blocked running stream!

It Speeds Up Muscle Recovery

Thanks to a fast relaxation of tensed muscles that can become congested after physical effort.

It Relaxes Muscle Contractions

Every muscle contraction leads to a defensive reaction to pain: the area becomes hard and painful, to the point to modify your correct posture. The Foot Palace floatation therapy keeps your body in zero gravity and at basal temperature, stimulates a natural relaxation of the contracted areas, leading to real benefits and recovery.

It Improves Tissues Oxygenation

The oxygen is the main nourishment for your body. 40% of people are unable to breath properly, with a consequent reduction of oxygen levels in the blood. The lack of oxygen leads to chronic fatigue, low energy and bad memory; you get older much faster.

Floatation improves the exchange of oxygen in the body, reducing the your energy consumption while resting, thanks to a particular condition of calm and relaxation that optimizes your breathing rhythm and your heart rate.

It Favours After-Injury Recovery

Floatation favours the drainage of oedema caused by injuries that might happen while playing a match, while training or during a general accident. Moreover, a quick tissues oxygenation and an easier blood flow increase nourishment to the injured areas, making recovery faster.

It Optimizes The Heart Rate Variability

Whenever an athlete feels too tired or too «adrenalinic», it means that the heart rate variability is not in balance compared with the needs of the performance; there is a need to act on the vagal system, that controls also the heart rate variability, in order to rebalance the parameters. Floatation is one of the fastest and more efficient ways to do so.

It Optimizes Breathing And Blood Circulation

Floatation reduces the breathing rate, improving the ventilation response while resting. This way, we accumulate less carbon dioxide and increase the level of oxygen in our body. This reaction favours the elimination of exceeding toxins and reduces the blood pression in case of hyper-tension.

It Speeds Up Clearance Of Accumulated Lactate

Floatation favours vaso-dilatation, thus improving the flow of metabolites (a product that is normally absorbed and then transformed by our body to be used or eliminated); in this case, the lactate is reduced and eliminated faster then in normal conditions.

It Releases Back Pain Due To A Bad Posture

Rigid and tense muscles lead to wrong body positions and to a bad curvature of the spine; both of them hard to fix.
Floatation reduces the perception of chronic pain due to a bad posture and favours a deep relaxation of the tense muscles. It is a very important benefit at work, because backpain is usually related only to a bad posture kept for a long period (sitting at the table, driving a car, standing for physical tasks).

It Relieves Muscle And Joint Pain

Floatation makes your body light and, eliminating your weight it relieves pain to those areas that are inflamed and painful, giving way to a faster and easier recovery.

It Promotes A Fast Jet-Lag Recovery

Our body has a biological clock called «Circadian Rhythm», that controls and keeps in balance our vital functions during the 24 hours period. When our body suffers a change due to time zone (especially during long trips to the East), we might face several troubles: low intestinal motility, bad digestion, increase of cortisol, insomnia, irritability, lack of lucidity, low concentration and bad circulation.

Floatation frees your nervous system from any external stimuli, with a result of regeneration for body and mind. It rebalances the parameters that while suffering jet-lag, are out of balance.

Benefits for the Mind

It Fights Stress And Anxiety

Stress can be measured through the level of cortisol in your blood. During floatation it reduced by half, for all of the reasons above-mentioned related to the regenerating power of floatation on both mind and body.

It Is A Mood Enhancer

During floatation, your mind is free from any external stimuli and its normal duties (weight, balance, temperature). This way, it releases more easily the serotonin, the «happy hormone», with a consequent perception of deep psychophysical well-being.

It Improves Sleep Quality

Floatation helps you sleeping well, both in terms of falling asleep time and duration of deep sleep (the more regenerating one). This way, your biological clock works better. While floating, your body is more relaxed, with no need to control its temperature; your thoughts run away and cortisol (the stress hormone) reduces. This benefit can be even more lasting if Mindfulness is applied.

It Promotes A Fast Jet-Lag Recovery

Our body has a biological clock called «Circadian Rhythm», that controls and keeps in balance our vital functions during the 24 hours period. When our body suffers a change due to time zone (especially during long trips to the East), we might face several troubles: low intestinal motility, bad digestion, increase of cortisol, insomnia, irritability, lack of lucidity, low concentration and bad circulation.

Floatation frees your nervous system from any external stimuli, with a result of regeneration for body and mind. It rebalances the parameters that, while suffering jet-lag, are out of balance.

It Fights Stress And Anxiety

Stress can be measured through the level of cortisol in your blood. During floatation it reduced by half, for all of the reasons above-mentioned related to the regenerating power of floatation on both mind and body.

It Favours Resistance To Fatigue

Floatation, even better if done frequently, guarantees a lasting muscle performance and better tissues oxygenation. In fact, floating allows you to reduce the inflammation and the level of accumulated lactate; more in general, body and mind are more prepared to physical effort. This is why it becomes easier to resist to fatigue and to that well known sensation of “I can’t do it anymore.”

It Promotes Tenacy

In sport it is mandatory to train not only your body, but also your mind, in order to reach your objective with tenacity and lucidity. Mindfulness, applied while floating, is fundamental to focus your goals with no distractions.

It Favours Focus On The Objective

One of the purposes of Mindfulness is to train your mind to be present (here and now) with no distractions, with focus on your objective, without losing sight of it. Thanks to this training, you can improve your sensorial perceptions (sight, touch, hearing). Since Zerobody puts your mind in a state that favours meditation and Mindfulness, it is a strong ally for athletes of any kind.

It Helps Preventing Overtraining

Overtraining is a real issue in sport: it is a psychophysical condition of extreme fatigue, with consequent low performances while training. Usually, in this condition, the athlete does not want to give up but has very bad results and higher risk of injuries. Floatation promotes a faster recovery from muscle fatigue and, if combined with Mindfulness, helps you keeping a lucid mind and prevent overtraining.

Focus And Attention

Floatation and Mindfulness together help you training your mind to reach a state of presence (here and now), with no distractions and focusing on the objective, without losing sight of it. Thanks to this mental training, you can improve your sensorial perceptions (sight, touch, hearing). This is a great opportunity for every worker: a quick regenerating break that allows focusing again and keeping the required attention to complete your tasks.

Problem-Solving Attitude

Focus, lucidity and objectivity, combined with calm and rationality, promote a more efficient perception of a problem: they help you understanding it analysing it and finding the right solution without feeling overwhelmed.


Zerobody, since it frees your mind from any need to control weight balance and temperature, helps you finding a creative approach to daily life (even better if combined with Mindfulness). It is not about the «artistic» side of creativity, but about the ability to manage in a creative way any aspect of your routine, with flexibility, adaptability, and positive approach.